November 8, 2010

Dream Log #6

Last night's dream was another weird one. Sort of funny, but weird. I was in some sort of classroom, no one really doing much of anything, when me and a few other girls randomly transformed into Pokemon. From there, we all began to fly around the room, screaming and laughing. It seemed to last for quite some time, at least a few hours.

I know it's a little short, but there wasn't much else that I remember aside from that. Has anyone ever dreamed something weird like this? Ever turned into your favorite Pokemon? Leave a comment below!


  1. Lol, I wish I had a dream like this!! Or good dreams at all...

    Cool idea for a blog, I be followin'! Thanks for the posts!

  2. ever though of seeing a psychiatrist !?

  3. i dream journal also. which reminds me i gotta update todays post.

  4. To compass such a boundless happiness! Following!

  5. In Pericles, his queen and daughter, seen, Following!

  6. a dream blog? awesome! I have crazy dreams all the time and its good to see someone else does too
    yay pokemon
